Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dance Romani Updates - Eva Cernik - Reyhan Tuzsuz - New Blog Contributors

In January of 2011, several self-procalimed "Turkophiles" gathered at Third Coast Tribal Fest in Fort Worth Texas to study with the flame herself: Eva Cernik. She flickers across a one moment...there another...amazing audiences with her inherent passion and pleasure for dance, she creates some of the most jaw-dropping performances I've ever seen.....AND she didn't even complain when forced to share the front seat of our vehicle with 3 others! Sorry about that Eva!

Eva taught 3 classes: Sufic Spiritual Dance, Turkish Vintage Orientale, and Turkish Romani Style. My experience with Sufic dance til then had been largely as an observer...if anyone asked me if I could spin for 9 minutes non-stop prior to this workshop I would have laughed them out of my presence! But spin, I did and it wasn't 15 minutes into the workshop that 9 minutes of continous spinning went by in a blur (literally... since she advised keeping our eyes opened and did suggest 'blurring' them a bit - no 'spotting').

The Turkish Vintage Orientale was FULL of complex, fascinating moves that I am counting on one of the new contributors to this blog: Amina Beres to elaborate on. Amina also took a private lesson from Eva and being the meticulous note-taker and possessor of an ace memory (and talent!) she can do more justice to Eva's technique than I. By the cruelest twist of fate, I and 5 other Turkophiles had to miss the Romani workshop due to....of all things in Texas: SNOW!

Turkophiles: Mary Jane Kelly, Milicent Banks, Eva Cernik, Jennifer Hawkins, Patsy Bucki Doane, Breayn Abramson at Third Coast Tribal Fest in Fort Worth, TX, January 2011.

I, of course, bought Eva's dance DVD and every music CD she had to offer. The DVD is a delightfully lengthy complilation of a vast array of performances...I cried when it was over - for two reasons:
1. I wanted more!
2. I'm not her!

FYI: the CD's she offered were: Halaylarimiz: Turkish Fok Music (Instrumental). An interesting note: A search for Turkish Folk Music at Amazon brought up quite a few interesting works (none by these guys though).
Transition: Armenian Tradition Music & Beyond - Live in Switzerland
Transition: Desert Winds
I loved the Live in Switzerland by Transition - many familiar tunes by a very talented trio.

Alas - there is only one Eva and if you've never had the chance to witness a performance - live or are missing out on one of the truly phenominal performers of our beloved dance. I'm looking forward to Amina's notes on her Eva experience and to all who want to share about Eva.

DVD: RAW ROMAN: Turkish Gypsy DanceDOWNLOAD: RAW ROMAN: Dance Practice Tracks (10 mp3 files)

Long Awaitied DVD Instructional from DP Dhavir Productions Featuring the dance and music of Reyhan Tuzsuz and Husnu Tuzsuz. 
DOWNLOAD: Raw Roman: The Music (6 mp3 files)
I think it's safe to say, that this DVD has probably generated more excitement among Turkish Rom dance lovers than other instructional that includes Turkish Rom. Reyhan is Turkish Romani and to my knowledge (which is admittedly limited) is the only strictly Turkish Rom instructional DVD widely available in the U.S. And it DOES NOT DISAPPOINT! Amina will be enlightening us on all the benefits and hi-lights of this DVD and we all look forward to Amina as a new contributor to Dance Romani!

Dance Romani also welcomes Steffi Bruninghaus as a future contributor.

Turkophiles at Studio Artemis

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